Browse by Make Extended List >>
A.A. (55)
A.C. (9)
A.C. Plugs (14)
A.C. Plugs. (3)
Aero (10)
Aladdin (3)
Albion (8)
Anglo American (4)
Anglo-American (6)
Antar (3)
Aston Martin (8)
Aston-Martin (7)
Austin (4)
Avery (5)
Avery Hardoll (4)
Avon (17)
B.P (4)
B.P. (136)
Bates (3)
Bates Tyres (3)
Belco (3)
Big Tree (4)
Bluebird (3)
Bosphorus (5)
Bow Bells (4)
Bowser (23)
Brett's (3)
Brooklands (14)
C.A.V. (3)
Caltex (9)
Car Mart (3)
Carbide (4)
Carborundum (3)
Carburine (19)
Carburol (7)
Carless (16)
Castol (4)
Castrol (158)
Challenge (10)
Champion (35)
Chandler (4)
Chemico (49)
Cleveland (50)
Dagenite (4)
Daimler (5)
Dominion (23)
Dragonfly (11)
Duckham's (5)
Duckhams (46)
Dunlop (123)
Esso (71)
Exide (10)
Eyquem (3)
Ferodo (4)
Fiat (5)
Filtrate (37)
Fina (18)
Firestone (10)
Gamages (9)
Germ (7)
Gex (4)
Gilbert & Barker (4)
Gilbert and Barker (10)
Glico (26)
Goodrich (9)
Goodwin (3)
Goodyear (12)
Gulf (6)
H.F. (3)
Halford's (4)
Hammond (23)
Harley Davidson. (3)
Holdtite (5)
Invicta (13)
Jet (4)
John Bull (28)
K.L.G. (13)
Karpol (5)
Kenworth (8)
KLG (9)
Lister (5)
Lobitos (4)
Lockheed (3)
Lodge (22)
Lucas (13)
Lumax (3)
Majors (4)
Marchal (3)
Maxima (8)
Meccano (3)
MEX (7)
Minimax (5)
Mixtrol (12)
Mobil (116)
Mobiloil (7)
Morris (19)
Morris's (6)
Morrisol (3)
National (3)
National Benzole (62)
Newton (10)
Not for resale (4)
Not Known (3)
Notween (6)
Ovoline (3)
P.C.L. (4)
P.G.R. (3)
Palmer (9)
Palmer Tyres (9)
Patchquick (6)
Petrol (6)
Petroyle (5)
Players (9)
Power (40)
Pratt's (6)
Pratts (115)
Prices (38)
R.A.C. (15)
R.O.P. (54)
RAC (7)
Rapson (3)
Redex (14)
Redline (44)
Redline Glico (3)
Regent (24)
Renault (4)
Richford (4)
Road Sign (27)
Romac (32)
ROP (17)
Royal Daylight (8)
Royal Snowdrift (3)
Satam (4)
Satam (France) (7)
Schraeder (3)
Scotch (3)
Sentinel (3)
Shamrock (4)
Shell (451)
Shell/B.P. (4)
Snowflake (3)
Speedoil (4)
Speedolene (4)
Speedwell (42)
Sphinx (13)
Spirit 7 (7)
St Christopher (5)
ST. Julien (3)
Standard (5)
Stepney (5)
Sternol (16)
Sun (3)
Sun Insurance (4)
T.O.P. (6)
Tecalemit (5)
Texaco (48)
Thelson (5)
Themis (France) (4)
Theo (21)
Theo & Co (5)
Vacuum Oil (6)
Vacuum Oil Co. (6)
Vauxhall (4)
Veedol (3)
Vickers (3)
Vigzol (8)
Wakefield (29)
Wayne (18)
Wellsaline (14)
Will's (3)
Wills (15)
Wills's (4)
Wood-Milne (4)
Woodgates (3)
Zero (5)
Browse by Brand
A.A. (51)
A.C. (14)
A.C. Plugs (7)
Aero (10)
Aeroshell (7)
Aladdin (3)
Albion (8)
Anglo American (8)
Antar (4)
Aston -Martin (7)
Aston Martin (8)
Austin (5)
Avon (16)
B.P. (115)
B.P. Commercial (4)
B.P. Plus (3)
B.P. Super (3)
Bates (4)
Belco (3)
Benzole (3)
Big Tree (4)
Bluebird (4)
Bosphorus (6)
Bow Bells (3)
Bowser (12)
Brooklands (12)
C.A.V. (4)
Caltex (10)
Capstan (3)
Car Mart (3)
Carbide (7)
Carborundum (3)
Carburine (19)
Carburol (7)
Carless (18)
Castrol (181)
Castrollo (6)
Challenge (13)
Champion (32)
Chandler (4)
Chemico (34)
Cleveland (46)
Coolie (3)
Crown (5)
Dagenite (4)
Daimler (7)
Dominion (24)
Dragonfly (15)
Duckhams (30)
Dunlop (117)
Empire (3)
Energol (7)
Esso (57)
Esso Extra (4)
Essolene (3)
Essolube (3)
Exide (10)
Eyquem (3)
Ferodo (3)
Fiat (5)
Filtrate (33)
Fina (16)
Firestone (10)
Forward (3)
Gamages (9)
Garage (3)
Gargoyle (13)
Germ (6)
Glico (28)
Gold Flake (3)
Golden Film (3)
Goodrich (8)
Goodyear (10)
Gulf (7)
Hammond (14)
Harley Davidson (3)
Holdtite (6)
I.L.O. (3)
Invicta (13)
John Bull (27)
K.L.G. (17)
Karpol (6)
Kenworth (4)
Kenworth. (4)
KLG (4)
Lister (4)
Lobitos (4)
Lodge (18)
Lodge Plugs (4)
Lucas (12)
Lumax (3)
Majors (4)
Marchal (3)
Maxima (7)
Mex (7)
Michelin (59)
Minimax (6)
Mixtrol (12)
Mobil (91)
Mobiloil (10)
Morris (17)
Morris's (3)
Morrisol (14)
Motor Union (3)
Motorine (5)
National (5)
National Benzol (5)
National Benzole (61)
Newton (5)
Nigga (4)
Nonclog (4)
Not For Resale (4)
Notween (7)
Notwen (7)
Ovoline (4)
P.C.L. (4)
P.G.R. (3)
Palmer (15)
Patchquick (9)
Petrol (6)
Petroyle (8)
Players (5)
Power (38)
Power Ethyl (3)
Pratt's (9)
Pratts (113)
Prices (27)
Prices Motorine (3)
Purfina (6)
Pyramid (3)
R.A.C. (18)
R.O.P. (57)
R.O.P. Zip (4)
RAC (4)
Rapson (3)
Redex (14)
Redline (37)
Redline Glico (3)
Redline Super (3)
Regent (16)
Renault (4)
Road Sign (29)
Romac (30)
Rowntree (3)
Royal Daylight (7)
Royal Standard (3)
Schraeder (3)
Scotch (3)
Sentinel (3)
Shamrock (4)
Shell (412)
Shell Mex (4)
Shell oil (5)
Shell sealed (3)
Shellmex (5)
Silkolene (4)
Snowdrift (3)
Snowflake (4)
Speedoil (3)
Speedolene (4)
Speedwell (40)
Sphinx (13)
Spirit 7 (7)
St.Christopher (6)
Standard (5)
Stepney (4)
Sternol (14)
Sternoline (3)
Summer Shell (3)
Sun (3)
Sun Insurance (3)
Super Shell (4)
T.O.P. (4)
Tecalemit (8)
Texaco (51)
Thelson (5)
Theo (18)
Vacuum (14)
Vauxhall (4)
Veedol (3)
Vigzol (9)
Wayne (3)
Wellsaline (14)
White Rose (3)
Wills (7)
Wills's (5)
Wood-Milne (4)
Zero (5)
Zip (4)
This is the compact list. Click here to view the extended list


My Book Collection

The First Book
Petroliana - The First Book

Click here for more info


The Hunt
Petroliana - The Hunt

Click here for more info


On Location
Petroliana - On Location

Click here for more info

Hidden Treasures
Petroliana - Hidden Treasures

Click for more info

Ultimate Petroliana
Ultimate Petroliana

Click for more info


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